Python is an object-oriented, strictly, dynamically typed, lexically scoped programming language Its object model is quite flexible (single-dispatch, metaclasses, everything is
an object), and somewhat similar to that of Smalltalk. Python has some functional programming features: first-class functions, map(), reduce(), list
comprehensions, and lexical closures. Python is a very "free-form" language with very few ways of invariant construction.
Python is expected to run slower than Java, but they also take much less time to develop. Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java code. This difference can be attributed to Python's built-in high-level data types and its dynamic typing.
Almost everything said for Java also applies for C++, just more so: where Python code is typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java code, it is often 5-10 times shorter than equivalent C++ code! Anecdotal evidence suggests that one Python programmer can finish in two months what two C++ programmers can't complete in a year. Python shines as a glue language, used to combine components written in C++.
# import the built-in modules
import MDM
# Initialize
res = MDM.send('AT+CMGF=1\r', 0)
res = MDM.receive(5)
res = MDM.send('AT+CNMI=2,1\r', 0)
res = MDM.receive(5)
MDM.send('AT+CMGD=?\r', 0)
MemSMS = MDM.receive(20)
startSearch = 0
StartSearchIndex = MemSMS.find('(')+1
LastSearchIndex = MemSMS.find(')')
nextComma = MemSMS.find(',',StartSearchIndex,LastSearchIndex)
#search the next sms
if ( nextComma != -1):
while ( nextComma < LastSearchIndex ):
SMSIndex = MemSMS[StartSearchIndex : nextComma]
print SMSIndex
MDM.send('AT+CMGD=', 0)
res = MDM.receive(20)
print res
StartSearchIndex = nextComma + 1
nextComma = MemSMS.find(',',StartSearchIndex,LastSearchIndex)
#delete the last sms
SMSIndex = MemSMS[StartSearchIndex : LastSearchIndex]
if (SMSIndex != ''):
MDM.send('AT+CMGD=', 0)
res = MDM.receive(20)