Bluetooth, ZigBee, WIFI chip antenna
ZigBee, WIFI and Bluetooth are using the same 2400-2500 MHz frequency range
Please ask for the complete documentation with detailed 3D radiation pattern and tests under different conditions at our PDF files plus project quote by e-mail.
Model Mount type AD part number
WIFI 2.4/5.2 Antenna Screw-mount AT-WS.01
WIFI 2.4/5.2 + GPS Antenna Screw-mount AT-
WIFI/ZigBee / GPS Antenna Adhesive tape AT-MA.206
WIFI antenna and combined WIFI / GPS antenna



Product Narrative
Its high efficiency, high gain thread mount dual band wireless antenna for external use on vehicles and outdoor assets worldwide. Omni-directional
gain across both bands ensures constant reception and transmission making it an ideal solution for a Zigbee Wireless Mesh for remote applications e.g. – Remote Metering.
This combination high performance GPS and dual band Wi-Fi (2.4-2.5/5.2GHz) antenna solution for reliable location information with localised data
transfer via WLAN, Zigbee or Wi-Fi.
Powerful combination of a tuned two stage GPS active ceramic patch and an ISM 2.4GHz as well as Wi-Fi 2.5GHz antenna, making is suitable also for
ZigBee solutions. It can be placed on glass or covertly anywhere in the automobile interior.
Gen Frequency
2.4-2.5 + 5.2 GHz
3 – 4,7 dBi
1,8 max
42 – 69%
2.4-2.5 + 5.2 GHz
3 – 4,7 dBi
1,8 max
42 – 69%
2400-2500 MHz
0 dB
1,92 max
GPS Frequency
Gain Patch
Gain Amplifier
Noise Figure
Current Consumption
1575.42 MHz
10 MHz
2 dbi
32 ± 2 dB
1.5 dB max
VSWR < 2
13 -18 mA(@3.3 -5 V)
1575.42 MHz
+/- 10 MHz
3 dB
28 dB
2 dB max
VSWR 1.92 max.
6 mA (@3.3 V DC)
52 dia x29 (mm)
UV resistant PVC
55 dia x16 (mm)
UV resistant ABS
55 dia x10,8 (mm)
UV resistant ABS
Cable Type
Cable Length
2x RG174
3 m, other on request
2x RG174
3 m, other on request
2x RG174
3 m, other on request
Connector Cell. / GPS Order numbers for standard antennas
Part numbers for other connectors on request
SMA/M RP Upper AD part number- SP1MS.3000
Upper AD part number- SP1MS.SA1MS.3000
Upper AD part number SP1MS.SA1MS.3000