- LPWAN Base Station Height = 30m
- End-Device Height = 0.5m
Simulation results for LPWAN on Weightless P, LoRa and SIGFOX

Sigfox, Lora, Weightless P compared to each other
If you have to bid on the horses called Weightless P, SIGFOX and LoRa the the horse Weightless P will win the race in Europe and in the US. On place number two is LoRa or SIGFOX – this depends on the region. SIGFOX is in Europe much better than LoRa. In the US it is the opposite.

SIGFOX, LoRa, Weightless P number of devices per BTS
If you compare the number of end devices per base station then the winner is Weightless P again. The whole story with some more parameters you get here:
If you are interested in your own Weightless P BTS and some Weightless P modules then do not hesitate to drop an email to harald.naumann (at) gsm-modem.de . I will take care that you get your own, personal Weightless P base station as well. Test it and share your experience at the IoT-University.
IoT-University at Linkedin Groups
Advice, latest news and discussions on LPWAN (SIGFOX, LoRaWAN, Weightless P), LTE-Cat-NB1 (NB-IoT), LTE-Cat-M1 and further Low Power Technologies which cover at least on SubGHz bands dedicated for developers who plan a wireless device for the Internet of Things.