Touchstone import to Aytune: 1 - 4 marks the lower GSM bands and 5 - 6 marks the higher GSM band plus UMTS band
My IoT M2M Cookbook got an update. The mayor news is that everybody who owns a copy of the book will get an export (Touchstone file) out of CST Microwave Studio for import to Atyune. Atyune is a free of charge software to generate a matching circuit automatic. The jitter of the resonate frequency generate by the tolerances of the components in the matching circuit will be visible for the user of Atyune.

Touchstone import to Atyune. The markers mark the lower GSM bands and the higher GSM bands plus UMTS band
Everybody can play with to capacitors and inductors (up to four) in the matching circuit and see how the curve is moving in the Smith Chart.
Further chapters tell about PCB layout, connecting layers together, shielding and a lot of further stuff that newbie’s do not know.
What details I should add to minimise the trouble?
Nevertheless, the readers will need a local engineering company to develop the matching circuit. I am looking for partners everywhere and my focus is on Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. I am looking for engineers that are able to measure the PCB with embedded antenna with a network analyzer optimising the matching circuit in the final enclosure of the IoT / M2M device.