About IoT Meetup group in Zurich
The Internet of Things is connecting us all. We should connect in person, in the real world, as well as digitally! This meetup group is for everyone who is interested in doing projects and publishing their data using IoT tools and platforms.
I will talk 25 minutes about the first public toilet in the IoT, Bluetooth Low Energy and 6LoWPAN. Several application I plan to show live.
Time: Tuesday, 6th. of May 2014 6:00 P.M.
- Communination language: English
Location: University of Zürich, Room KOL-G-204, Rämistrasse 71, Zürich (map)
Agenda for this IoT event
Harald Naumann from Hannover, Germany, is a recognised IoT / M2M evangelist, blogger at www.gsm-module.de and author of the IoT M2M Cookbook. As a field application engineer he has a primary interest in implementation of wireless applications.
Cuno Pfister, founding CEO of Oberon microsystems, initiator of the Mountaineer group and core contributor to the .NET Micro Framework open source project, will share the experience of developing the driver for a 3G M2M module. (Disclosure: Cuno is Thomas’ boss at Oberon)
Third speaker TBD
Register here: http://www.meetup.com/IoT-Zurich/events/176387312/
I would like to invite everybody to join this free of charge event in Zurich. If you can’t stay, then just forward it to your friends by email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or any other of the common digital option for communications.
Do we have a chance to meet each other? Will you stay on 6th. of May in Zurich too?