Self Made Embedded Antenna Design versus Chip Antenna
The wireless Internet of Things has a need for inexpensive wireless modules and antennas. An LTE-Cat-NB1-module (NB-IoT) will cost less than US$ 6 at 1K order. A self-made NB-IoT antenna on PCB could cost US$ 0. Within 60 minutes you will learn which is commercially and technically the best antenna option – Make it or buy it.
You also will learn how to read an antenna data sheet and which embedded antenna (self-made PCB, chip or Flex-PCB-antenna) is the best option for your wireless IoT application. Moreover, the presentation will show world’s first round shaped multi-band NB-IoT antenna for band 2, 3 ,8 and 20.
Agenda of the Antenna Tutorial Part I:
- Antenna basics
- Antenna parameters
- Working principle of a Vector Network Analyser
- Workflow and selection of embedded antennas
- Self-made NB-IoT and GSM antenna on band 2, 3, 8 and 20
- Self-made LPWAN antenna (SIGFOX, LoRa, Weightless P) for EU and US
- Chip loop antenna design in for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and GNSS (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo)
- Several antenna designs review examples on cellular chip and self-made antennas
- Summary on “Self Made Embedded Antenna Design versus Chip Antenna”

Self-made Embedded Antenna Design versus Chip antenna
- Location: Wireless Congress in Munich, Germany
- Date & time: 10th. of Nov 14:30 – 15:30
- Topic: Antenna Tutorial I – Self Made Embedded Antenna Design versus Chip Antenna
Followed by - Antenna Tutorial II
- Date & time: 10th. of Nov 16:00 – 18:00
Will we meet each other in November in Munich? Many thanks in advance for a confirmation by email to harald.naumann (at)