On the unlicensed 869 MHz frequency band, there is a limitation in the duty cycle in Europe. Without Listen Before Talk, the channel can be used for transmissin for only 36 seconds per 1 hour (1% of 3600 seconds). If a weather station wants to send its measured value every second, this leads to a 10 ms transmission and 990 ms pause.
Calculation for a LoRa module with the following parameters
Frequency: 869 MHz
Transmission power: 14 dBm
Spreading factor: 12
Bandwith: 250 KHz
Data volume per telegram: 6 including CRC
TX: approx. 10 seconds
Pause (no RX): approx. 990 seconds
Battery: 19000 mAh @ 3.3 Volt
Screens shots of the LoRa calculation

LoRa radio for weather station on 14 dBm

LoRa radio for weather station on 14 dBm
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