NB-IoT has a very high throughput at the top end. At the lower end it is faster than other LPWA techniques. For LoRaWAN, Weightless and NB-IoT the distance and the data throughput also regulate the speed. In this lecture we will only consider NB-IoT due to the limited talk time. At first glance, the table becomes confusing and complicated. The next slide makes it transparent with a graph.
Has this article series piqued your interest? Do you plan your own LPWAN IoT device? Do you plan to deploy IoT devices with embedded antennas? Do you have an IoT prototype and need to optimise the design or minimise the price? If you have answered “YES”to any one of these questions then please do not hesitate to drop an email to harald.naumann (at) lte-modem.com and to ask for a proposal or some engineering services to make your IoT idea a cost-effective reality.