- Date: Starts June 23 2017 at 8.00am / Ends June 24 2017 at 4.30pm
- Venue: @ hub:raum Winterfeldtstraße 21 10781 Berlin

NB-IoT BTS at hub:raum in Berin
There will be an NB-IoT Hackathon in Berlin, Germany. Developers and start-ups are being called to disrupt today’s IoT landscape by creating services & solutions based on the NB-IoT technology.
NB-IoT stands out due to its energy efficiency, low costs, and deep, long-range transmission capabilities. This is a great opportunity to be on the cutting edge of LPWA (low-power wide area) technology and build solutions for the age of M2M communications.
Are you developer or start-up working on radio technologies, smart metering, device monitoring, or sensors? If so, you cannot miss this event. Don’t see your area of expertise mentioned? Not to worry, we understand that there is a huge diversity of IoT applications, so if you are part of the ecosystem sign up now!

UDP/IP on NB-IoT sent by akorIoT radio adapter
1. Smart Buildings
Today buildings are equipped with loads of high-tech equipment for energy control, climate regulation or people transport. A load of these is still unconnected and flat out stupid – this has to change!
2. Smart Metering
Measuring and controlling the flow of energy into and out of a building is a core challenge for the utility industry.
3. Predictive Maintenance
Remote machinery can be painful and money intensive to maintain and operate – especially if something breaks. Knowing when, how and which part is turning into a problem can be vital for frictionless operations.
1st Price Gold Award 7500 € Cash
2nd Price Silver Award 2000 € Cash
3rd Price Bronze Award 500 € Cash
You can’t make it but you are keen to make your IoT idea come true? Do not hesitate to ask for an akorIoT radio adapter on NB-IoT with Arduino header or samples for NB-IoT modules for your first PCBs – harald.naumann (at) lte-modem.com

akorIoT with Arduino header + STM32 Nucleo = Ready to use NB-IoT eval kit including sensors