Category: M2M FAQ, hints, tips

3G & GPS module. Fast modem with embedded GPS receiver

3G & GPS module Fast modem with embedded GPS receiver to make unique tracking applications real. Full Type Approved Embedded UMTS Modem with AT command  and RS232 interface on CMOS level and integrated full 12-channel high sensitivity GPS functionality for indoor fixes and simultaneous GPS. This UMTS wireless data modem is the ready a solution […]

GPS error is up to 56 ft. (17 m), EGNOS can reduce that to 6.6 ft. (2 m)

GPS error is up to 56 ft. (17 m). EGNOS can reduce that to 6.6 ft. (2 m) EGNOS, which stands for European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service, is free to users, and the European Commission has invited manufacturers of navigation equipment to integrate EGNOS signals from satellites and ground stations into GPS units. Proponents say […]

Coaxial cable selection: Indoor or outdoor, inside or outside box, maximum bending, maximum length?

Coaxial cable bending There are several factors that govern the selection of coaxial cable for your Machine to Machine (M2M) application: the location of cable runs, either indoor or outdoor, inside or outside an enclosure, maximum bending and the maximum length of the individual cable runs. Today I talk about the bending. Maximum coaxial cable […]

Benefits and disadvantages of DTMF tone coding and encoding with GSM modules

Benefits and disadvantages of DTMF tone coding and encoding with GSM modules 17.02.2010  Remark of the author after sending the tweet: In GSM modules is a DTMF coder included. The DTMF tones are controlled by AT commands. For decoding you have to use encoder chips or a DSP.