If you read the article linked as below ,then you get the impression that Apple is the father and the mother of the Bluetooth Low Energy radio beacons. You also get the feeling that Android developers have no idea how to use such radio beacons and Windows 8 does not matter at all. Sorry, but the author is maybe not right informed. Long time before Apple launched the iBeacon another company launched Bluetooth 4.0 radio beacons with test apps on Android and iOS. This clever evaluation kit is not just supporting the wireless technology of Bluetooth 4.0 – it is supporting ANT, too. Last but not least you can run your own code on the embedded ARM Cortex M0. That means you can make it compatible with the data format of the iBeacon or the Bluetooth Low Energy radio beacon of PayPal. Not just Apple has ideas how to use a radio beacon screwed to the wall. Other companies have clever engineers as well and sometimes other companies are faster 😉
This short article was inspiered after reading about the revolution of an iBeacon listed as below.
Apple’s next revolution may be Bluetooth-powered iBeacons
ANT / BLE Eval-Kit
Tracking of trolley in supermarket