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  1. HERE’S WALDO: I’m sure we all know the USA runs the GPS network, so when your phone shows you a map that’s the srvciee it’s using. But the Americans aren’t the only ones doing GPS: the Russians, Europe and China are all setting up GPS networks too. Europe’s Galileo global navigation satellite system recently launched the first 2 satellites. They hope to provide accuracy down to 1 metre, compared with the US’s 10 metres. Many phone makers are including appropriate chips to access all the systems. If one GPS system drains my phone battery quickly, what will 4 do to it? Kurzweil AI.

  2. > If one GPS system drains my phone battery quickly, what will 4 do to it?
    The number of communication channels on IT600 is limited to 32. As less numbers your GNSS module is using as less the power consumption is. As more GNSS you you as better is the accuracy. During akquisition the power consumption is high. As more channels you use, as faster is the chance to catch a signal.

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